Boyd County Public Library is here to help teachers help their students.
Cards for Kids
In order to help kids get a library card, BCPL lets teachers be verification (of name, address, and parent signature) for students. Staff will deliver applications and instructions to your school or classroom, then pick them up when filled out, and, finally, return library cards for you to distribute. For more information or to get applications, call 606.329.0090 or email publicservices@thebookplace.org
School and Class Visits
Children’s staff are ready to visit your school or class to talk about what the library has to offer, demonstrate how to use library databases, or to deliver a program tailored to your students.
Visits to the library can be customized for your needs, and can include tours, demonstrations, crafts, stories, and more.
To schedule a class visit, call 606.329.0090 or email publicservices@thebookplace.org.
Special Assignment
With a little notice, we can have the materials needed for your students to complete their assignments. We can make sure the library has an adequate collection of books, audios, and movies. This way you can guarantee that all of your students will be able to find helpful materials.
Give us a couple of weeks and we can provide a list of databases and online resources to guide students to the most authoritative sites.
Helpful Databases
The library has dozens of databases to help kids with homework, test prep, reading selection, or just plain fun. See Kids Databases for a complete list.