Boyd County Public Library subscribes to or purchases 800,000+ digital titles. Everything from books to magazines, audiobooks to movies. Accessible through just about every device and platform.
Collection of digital books and audiobooks, including bestsellers, genres and subgenres, fiction and nonfiction, for kids through adults.
Need help? See Cloud Library's video tutorials and FAQs.
Community-created content, local, self-published books, and thousands of other always-available titles.
Browse over 15 million songs from 40,000 labels. Enjoy unlimited streaming and/or download (and keep) five songs each week. See Freegal FAQs for more information.
Download up to 15 e-audiobooks, graphic novels, e-books, movies, music, and/or television episodes each month; always available. Find user guides on the Hoopla help page.
Stream or download over 30,000 of the world’s best films, including award-winning documentaries, rare and hard-to-find titles, film festival favorites, indie and classic films, and world cinema. Find user guides on the Kanopy help page.
OverDrive is a free service for library cardholders that lets you borrow digital content (like ebooks, audiobooks, music and magazines) anytime, anywhere.
The Library also offers lots of digital materials for kids. See Kids & Teens pages for the youth digital collections.
For even more content, check out the library’s databases and online learning here. They offer research, in depth exploration, and instructional content that is informative, educational, and fun.
For more information on how to use digital services and apps, see User Guides.
Please Note: Boyd County Public Library contracts with third party vendors and library consortia that distribute electronic content through licensing agreements. Some vendors, at their own initiative, may gather information about library patrons through the registration process and/or library transactions for their own marketing purposes. Such information is not protected by the Boyd County Public Library's confidentiality policy