Genealogy & History Databases

Access Newspaper Archive is the world’s largest online newspaper archive. Featuring billions of articles from historical newspapers around the U.S. and the world, NewspaperARCHIVE makes exploring history and genealogy easy and fun. Discover fascinating news in archived newspapers hundreds of years old – including obituaries, birth announcements, sports articles, comics, and more – to fill in the life stories you are interested in. And share those stories with others through our community at OurNewspaperARCHIVE. All of the historical newspapers are full-page and fully searchable!

Explore your family history with the premier collection of U.S. obituaries and death notices for in-depth genealogical research from 1704 - today. HeritageHub helps you easily identify relatives, uncover new information and potentially unknown family members. Includes deep coverage from all 50 states, hard-to-find content from the mid 1900’s, and original obituary images. Access is available 24/7.

Indexes obtained from the Kentucky Vital Statistics office in Frankfort, Kentucky and converted and combined into one index. This index will be updated as data is obtained from the State Office.

Explore Lexington history through local news, events and people with Lexington Herald Leader Collection. Search current and archived issues with full-color newspaper pages, full-text articles and content only published online. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.

Get ready to uncover your family's rich and vibrant history using MyHeritage Library Edition. With billions of historical records, exclusive family tree profiles and millions of historical photos, this database is your key to your ancestral past. Records span five centuries and include censuses, military records, immigration and passenger lists and so much more. Whether you're at the library, at home or on the go, MyHeritage Library Edition is ready to guide you on your ancestral journey. Start exploring your heritage today!

The Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps are a valuable resource for genealogists, historians, urban planners, teachers or anyone with a personal connection to a community, street or building. The maps depict more than 12,000 American towns and cities. They show the size, shape and construction materials of dwellings, commercial buildings, factories and other structures. They indicate both the names and width of streets, and show property boundaries and how individual buildings were used. House and block numbers are identified. They also show the location of water mains, fire alarm boxes and fire hydrants.

Gale In Context: U.S. History is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on hundreds of the most significant people, events and topics in U.S. History. U.S. History merges Gale's authoritative reference content with full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites organized into a user-friendly portal experience.